
Individual Therapy

Professional One-on-One Counselling

Often times people find themselves struggling in life whether it is work, relationship, social, or even personal issues. In a lot of cases, there can be too much coming at an individual all at once or it can be more than their support system can handle. In a lot of cases, clients express how it is sometimes hard to bring their problems to loved ones. This can be for a variety of reasons such as: too embarrassing, too vulnerable, and sometimes people closest to us tend to tell us what we might want to hear.

Therapy provides an excellent opportunity to discuss issues you may be struggling with in a safe and confidential environment. It is through this process that people can explore their patterns of behaviours or thinking that may simply not be working anymore. Through this exploration, people can learn new or more efficient ways to manage things they may be struggling with.

As a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC), my role is to guide you through this process and understand yourself in a better way and ultimately find healthier more positive solutions to things you are struggling with. The areas of work I am familiar with but not limited to are: Depression, Anxiety, Trauma (emotional, sexual, mental), Addictions, Life/Career Transitions, Relationship, Parenting, and Anger.

Sunshine behind a cloud

Virtual or In-Person Sessions

Since the COVID Pandemic remote sessions became an integral part of peoples’ mental health care as in-person therapy sessions were lost to the pandemic. Since then remote sessions have become an integral part of the service provided for people.

Remote sessions can occur either over the phone or through Zoom if you prefer face-to-face. The feedback received about remote sessions has been very positive as people can have their sessions in the privacy and comfort of their own space. Remote sessions also allow for less impact on the individuals as they do not need to travel to a session, leave work early for a session, or get child care while they attend a session. You can get the same level of care and understanding remotely as you could through in-person sessions.

A lot of people really value the in-person experience and so for these people, in-person sessions can be arranged. Neither format is right or wrong and both can be accommodated. In some cases, some clients implement a hybrid version incorporating both methods into their mental health maintenance.